It's been quite a while since Erica or I posted anything here. We've all been trading sicknesses for the last few weeks, and updating the blog has been on the back-burner. In fact, I wanted to entitle this post "The Goetz House of Infection," but I didn't think that would make a very nice title for the video in iTunes. I'll spare everyone a blow-by-blow account of who had what and simply say that we look forward to the day when there will be no more sickness or disease. Until then, though, we're very grateful for modern medicine, without which these would have been much more unpleasant than they already were.
In the midst of all this fun, we really did have a great Thanksgiving and visit from my parents. Lillian made it clear that turkey is not her style, but Mommy's mashed potatoes really were. Evelyn ate like a champ, but that's par for her.
Here are a few highlights from the past weeks:
We've started to give Evelyn a bottle because she just can't seem to get enough to eat. One evening, while Erica was at the store, she took 9 ounces of milk! And that was after breast feeding earlier in the evening. Thankfully, she has not repeated that, but she does like how fast the milk comes out of the bottle and will quickly drain one when given to her. She is now about 15lbs and off the charts on height and weight.
Lillian had a great time with her Nana and Popy. After they had been here less than an hour, Lillian was playing hide-and-seek with Popy and yelling "Popy! Popy!" when he went out of sight. (She hasn't quite gotten down how one plays hide and seek.) They really left an impression on her. They were here only for two days, but now she likes to look at toy catalogs. When she turns the page, she says "More Toys!" in a voice full of wonder. She also now feels entitled to cookies before she goes to bed.
Also, Lillian is now singing recognizable tunes. They are still just fragments of songs, but she can sing "Up above the world so high" from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the the first few words of "Amazing Grace". She's been able to sing along with some words in "Ba Ba Black Sheep" for some time, but we think that's because it's so easy to say "Ba Ba".
We have pictures that we haven't culled through yet, but that we'll post later. In the mean time, here's some video of Lillian late last month kissing all of her toys goodnight and singing Evelyn to sleep. (We think she's trying to sing "Amazing Grace" which I sing to the girls before putting them to sleep. Since this video, she's gotten even better at singing it.)