This past Wednesday (October 29th), Evelyn turned 1 week old. The picture above was actually taken on the 28th, but the pictures we got of Evelyn on the 29th were all pretty bad (see right). She was not in the best mood, all the rest of the pictures show her in the throws of crying.
We've learned a lot about our new baby girl in the first week. First, she definitely has a different temperament than Lillian. When Evelyn cries, she quickly works herself up into a very angry screaming fit. She's mad at you (or the world in general) and she wants you to know about it. Second, she'll have nothing to do with this silly eating every two hours idea put forward by "experts". Nope, she'll eat when she darn well feels like it, and sleep whenever she wishes. Currently, she can have hour or longer feeding sessions broken up by 3-4 hour naps. Third, she eats like Takeru Kobayashi. Only 5 days after being born, at her first checkup with the doctor, she had already gained back her birth weight and then some. Finally, she has discovered that her car seat is evil and must be screamed into non-existence.
Most of the time, though, Evelyn is a cute, cuddly little baby girl. She often falls asleep on her mother's lap (or anyone else's), she grabs fingers offered to her, and she makes cute little baby sounds. She has also started to open her eyes more often and look around.